Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Controversial Parenting

On YouTube I saw many "Controversial Parenting Tag" videos, I had thoughts on most of the issues so I thought why not make a video. First off like I said in the video, they are MY oppinions. My views on what I will do with my children and family. My opinons are what is right for us, not everyone else. I am a very open minded person and I am not going to judge you for how you choose to raise your child, so please don't judge me. I am like every other mom out there, age doesn't matter, we are just trying to raise our children the best we can.


Pro-life vs Pro-choice
     I personally am pro-choice. I think every woman has a right to her own body. I would not have an abortion though.
Baby Wearing
     I baby wear. I also use a carriage but I prefer baby wearing. I have a bjorn and a moby wrap.
     I feel circumcision is very personal. I do not have a preference so I let Tyler make the final decision.
     I am all for adoption. I would love to adopt some day! Give an innocent child a family!
     This I added myself. I am for surrogacy. Some people say it is wrong by I have no issue with it
Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding
    Read my other posts. You know how I feel. (:
    I don't know my full view on spanking. I will try not to spank. It will not be my first action when punishing Ryder.
     Co-sleeping: Sleeping in the same room/ at arms reach of your baby. Different than bed-sharing. I co-sleep.
Home vs Public vs Private vs Charter Schooling
     Ryder is vaccinated. I see nothing wrong with it.
Medicating Children
     Touchy subject with my family at the moment, if he ever needs to be medicated we will dicuss it then.
Cloth vs Disposables
      I use disposables, you can say I am lazy (;
CIO Method (cry it out)
     When done correctly I am for the CIO

I go into more detail in the video!

Instagram: Jenn8912

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


From the start I really wanted to do "Vlogging" on Youtube but I was too afraid to get in front of the camera. Well I faced my fears and uploaded my first video! A What's in my diaper bag video! I hope you enjoy and I will probably do more vlogs in the future!

Youtube Channel!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oh So Fun Stage of Teething!!!

Well it is official! Ryder is teething and I am not sleeping. He has been extremely drooly for the past 3-4 weeks, and Friday night he would not stop crying. Earlier in the night we noticed he was chewing on the nipple of his bottle instead of drinking it. So after trying everything to calm him down we gave him some infant ibuprofen and some orajel. He finally fell asleep in my arms. I didn't want to disturb him and I knew he was in pain so I let him sleep in our bed. Last night same thing around 7pm he started crying so I gave him some infant ibuprofen and that worked for about an hour so around 8pm I gave him orajel, his bottle, and he slept in my arms again. Last night he moved around so much and kept kicking me in the rib cage (I thought those kicks ended after pregnancy but apparently not) that I got almost no sleep. We try to give him teethers but he doesn’t seem to like them. He would much rather his hand, bottle, or a blanket.
If you have any suggestions PLEASE comment on this or on the Facebook!!

Infant Ibuprofen
Day and Night
Single Use Swabs

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