Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Breast is not ALWAYS best

            This is one argument that no matter what not everyone will agree on. I hate seeing things that say "breast is best", because it is not always best.  That may be your personal opinion but its not a set in stone fact. To see mothers saying I am a bad mom (not me personally, formula feeding mothers), because I formula feed absolutely kills me. My family tells me to ignore it but how can I? It hurts. I was 100% planning on breastfeeding my son, because I know it is the BETTER choice when it comes to feeding most babies. Like I  wrote on my other breastfeeding entry I can not breastfeed. I was devastated that I couldn't breastfeed, I cried a a lot and seeing women saying I was a bad mother because I couldn't made it worse.
              The medication I am on would not be good for Ryder. I was not going to chance the chemicals going into my milk and then to him. I considered holding off on my medication until Ryder was a little older and breastfeed for a few months and pump like crazy to last me a little bit after that. I formula fed in the hospital, never once tried breastfeeding. The day I came home I could tell I needed to go on my medication. I was a mess, crying randomly, mood swings like crazy, I just was not me. I know that every mother has their hormones going nuts after having a baby but mine was a little worse. 3 days after we came home we had to go for Ryder's first doctors appointment, on the way home we almost got into an accident. I was a wreck. I couldn't stop crying, I was freaking out, couldn't stop thinking about what would have happened if we did get into the accident. My mom looked at me and said you need your medicine. Once I started taking it I noticed a huge difference. I was happier, not crying as much, and not blaming myself for the stupidest things. I feel that Ryder deserves me to be myself and formula fed than breastfeeding him and have a legit crazy mom.
             Do you think the crack addict's baby should be drinking his mom's breast milk? No, he shouldn't. So breast is not always best. Think about the reasons why a mother is formula feeding before you say she is a bad mother because she could be in a situation like me, when in fact I am being a good mother because I am formula feeding.

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