Saturday, December 1, 2012

24 Hours?

It seems like every day I say "tomorrow I WILL do a blog post or a video", then suddenly the next day comes and goes and did I do either? Of course not! I seriously question time. I feel like there aren’t 24 hours in a day!

[I’m going to track the date and time of when I’m writing this blog post so that you can track how long it takes me to finish a post!] I started this blog post on 11/28/2012 at 1:17pm while Ryder is napping. He decided to wake up at 1:20pm so we’ll see when I get to finish this blog post! The way things are going, probably not until a week from now! At least he fell back asleep, so hopefully I can continue for a few more minutes.

I have a very full schedule. Even though I do not work at the moment, I go to school Tuesdays and Thursdays in addition to being a full time mom. On school days I leave the house at 6:30am and do not come home before 3pm. There are 576 hours in a week and I am away from home at least 17 hours a week, usually more. That does not seem like a lot compared to the amount of hours in a week, so you'd think I would have more time. Well with a 4 month old that is NOT the case. 1:24 pm and he woke up so lets see when I get to finish this blog post.

Today I asked my 13 year old brother (who should be in school since it is 1:30pm, but he is "sick") to feed Ryder and he said yes. This is a rare occurrence, but he told me its national stay home on your older brother’s birthday day. So usually this doesn't happen and I would not have had time to go to work on this post until next week.

So today is a good example for how the time gets away from you. To start, I told Tyler I would clean the room today (like I have been saying for the past week). Ryder and I woke up at 9:30am and I fed him, played with him, and then I put him down for a nap at 11:30. Naps are hard right now so I can't go too far. Before I started cleaning I said to myself "I am going to check Facebook real quick." What a funny joke that is, because of course my friend who lives in NH, my cousin who is away at college, my older cousin who I had a question for, and a couple friends from college were all online and I just had to talk to all of them. Suddenly it is 2 hours later. It wasn’t a complete waste though, I got the idea for a blog post from it. I finally start writing the post and Ryder wakes up. COME ON! I was so mad, and I know Tyler would be too when he got home from work to the same messy room.

You might say "well, just clean later on tonight." But of course that’s not an option! Its my brother's 18th birthday and we are going out to dinner, then when we get home it will be time for Ryder's night time routine and then I have some homework to do, which will take way longer than it should because of that stupid Facebook site! There should be a time limit for a day before you get logged out.

Now it is 1:40pm. I have finished this blog entry and I am going to clean my room while my brother finishes feeding Ryder. But I’m still not done yet! There’s a catch: I might have finished this entry, but now I have to find a time my cousin Meg and I can both get onto google docs so she can help me edit the post before it goes on my blog.
I am now posting this entry at 1:47am on 12/2/2012, oh yeah and I never cleaned my room!

I honestly do NOT believe there are 24 hours in a day!

Intro for Vlogs!

I am so proud of my new intro for my vlogs! I just had to post it! I made it all by myself!